Top 5 Dog Breeds for Apartment Living


Living in an apartment doesn't mean missing out on the joys of pet ownership. While space can be a constraint, several dog breeds are well-suited for city living and compact homes. Some species can comfortably thrive in apartments whether you prioritize a dog’s size, temperament, or exercise needs. Here are the top 5 apartment-friendly dog breeds perfect for city dwellers.

1.French Bulldog

Size: Small

Characteristics: Affectionate, easygoing, adaptable.

Why They're Suitable for Apartments: French Bulldogs' bat-like ears and wrinkly faces are adorable and particularly suited for apartment living. They don't require much exercise; daily short walks or play sessions are usually enough. They're known for being relatively quiet, so your neighbors will thank you. Their calm and affectionate nature makes them perfect cuddle companions for nights in.


2.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Size: Small to Medium

Characteristics: Friendly, pleasant, eager to please.

Why They're Suitable for Apartments: This breed is renowned for its gentle and affectionate demeanor. Cavaliers adapt well to their living environment, whether a sprawling estate or a studio apartment. They require regular exercise but are content with indoor play and short walks. Their friendly disposition means they get along well with neighbors and other pets.

3.Bichon Frise

Size: Small

Characteristics: Cheerful, playful, and hypoallergenic.

Why They're Suitable for Apartments: Bichon Frises are adorable fluffballs and hypoallergenic, perfect for apartment dwellers with allergies. They are playful and energetic but can have most of their exercise needs met indoors. Their small size means they don't need much space to roam, and their friendly nature ensures they're a hit in any pet-friendly community.


Size: Small

Characteristics: Curious, brave, lively.

Why They're Suitable for Apartments: Also known as "wiener dogs" because of their elongated bodies, Dachshunds are incredibly adaptable to city living. While lively and love to play, they only require a little space. They're comfortable lounging around the apartment but appreciate short walks and occasional playtime in the park. Their curious nature makes every outing an adventure.


Size: Large

Characteristics: Gentle, independent, couch potato.

Why They're Suitable for Apartments: It might surprise many to see a large breed like the Greyhound on this list, but these elegant dogs are often referred to as "45-mph couch potatoes." Contrary to popular belief, Greyhounds don't need much exercise beyond short walks and occasional sprints in a dog park. They're content spending most of their time lounging indoors, making them a suitable choice for apartments.


Factors to Consider When Choosing an Apartment-Friendly Dog

While the breed of the dog plays a significant role in determining its suitability for apartment living, there are other factors to consider:

Exercise Needs:

Every dog, regardless of its size or breed, requires some exercise for those living in apartments to understand and cater to these needs. For instance, while Greyhounds are large, their exercise requirements can be met with short walks and occasional sprints. On the other hand, Jack Russell Terriers, though small, are incredibly energetic and may require more exercise than some larger breeds.


An apartment dog must tolerate noise, strangers, and other dogs. Breeds known for adaptability, such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or the Bichon Frise, can handle the hustle and bustle of apartment living better than some more sensitive or territorial breeds.

Grooming Needs:

Some breeds require regular grooming, which can be challenging in smaller spaces. Poodles, for example, have hair (not fur) that can grow long and become matted if not cared for properly. While they are great for those with allergies, potential owners should be prepared for regular grooming sessions or visits to the groomer.

Noise Level:

One of the essential considerations when choosing a dog for apartment living is its noise level. In compact spaces, especially where walls might be thin and residences are nearby, the vocal tendencies of a dog can have significant implications.

Living in such close quarters means that the continuous sounds of daily life are often shared among neighbors. A dog's bark communicates its feelings and can resonate throughout the building, potentially causing disturbances. While occasional barking is natural and expected, certain breeds are known for being more vocal than others.

Adopting vs. Buying:

It's worth noting that many mixed-breed dogs are also well-suited for apartment living. Adopting a dog from a shelter can be a rewarding experience, and shelter staff can provide insights into a dog's personality and suitability for apartment living. Moreover, older dogs, often overlooked in favor of puppies, can be an excellent apartment choice. 

Tips for Apartment Living with Dogs:

● Create a Routine: Dogs thrive on routine. Set times for walks, feeding, and play. This not only helps manage their energy but also aids in preventing accidents or destructive behaviors.

● Engage in Mental Stimulation: Toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys can keep a dog entertained and mentally engaged, reducing the chances of boredom-related behaviors.

● Socialize: Regular visits to dog parks or play dates with other dogs can help socialize your dog and provide them with much-needed interaction.

● Training: Invest time in training, especially in commands like "stay," "quiet," and "leave it." This ensures that your dog remains well-behaved even in shared spaces.


Living in an apartment doesn’t mean forgoing the profound joys and companionship that a canine companion can bring. In fact, with careful consideration of the breed and the individual temperament of the dog, it’s entirely possible to find the perfect match for smaller living spaces. While the dog's physical size can be a factor, the dog’s energy level, grooming needs, and temperament are equally, if not more, significant.

It's essential to remember that every dog, regardless of breed or size, craves love, attention, and a sense of belonging. Proper training, regular exercise, and interactive play can ensure that your dog remains happy and well-adjusted, even in the confines of city living. Furthermore, having a dog in an apartment can enhance the quality of life by promoting a routine, encouraging regular outdoor walks, and providing unmatched companionship.